Sunday, April 15, 2007

Top Ten Strategy 1 for Chaos Warrior - Magic

by Dipak Dravid

There's not many games so new that you can develop a top 10 strategy for them just like that. Chaos Warrior is one of them.

Chaos Warrior is a new Web-based game that is currently undergoing testing. However the people it has gathered already are very competitive and basically enjoying pummelling the heck out of each other. This constant change of acres makes it quite easy to build a strategy that involves **sneaking** into the top 10.

Many people think Chaos Warrior, and similar games, are military based games. This is simply not true. They are economy based games. The goal is to grow, and you need to build a province capable of maintaining and supporting your growth. You can't usually get away with neglecting the military side, but if you concerntrate on economy you will understand the game and it's workings faster.

There's basically 3 aspects to take care of - growth, building and Defense. Growth is easy, anyone can gain land, it's keeping land that is the long term challenge. In this strategy we are going to look at those issues in reverse order.

Defense should be based on elites if at all possible. but elites are expensive, so you need lots of cash. There is another form of defense though - and that is called 'being a bad target'. To know a what a bad target is you need to know what a good target is, and the simple answer is - it's anyone you can hit who can't hit you back. But if people don't KNOW they can hit you, they usually won't bother to try. Enter thieves and wizards. With high enough thieves and wizards nobody can get your intel, and without your intel, most people won't attack. So, all you need is high enough defense in these areas and you are fine.

To get the necessary thief defense - multiply your land by 4 - and train that many thieves. To get the necessary wizard defense - build lots of guilds(Guilds train wizards). Your draft rate should be above 55% - so you train 4 thieves for every acre you have and the remainder as whatever defense you can afford(Remember - elites are best).

Your thieves can also be used to finance your income, because there's a heap of people with rubbish thieves who log in once a day.

Now your build. We've already touched on guilds. You want about 30% of your land as guilds. You need 10% to get simple spells, and the more you add the faster your wizards grow. To cast spells you need runes, and to get runes you need towers(you can also steal them). 15% of your land as towers is a good start. 20-30% is even better. You'll find the level that supports your spell use quickly. You also need 10% farms unless you are undead or plan to steal all your food(Easy enough to do, but could backfire in war times). The rest of your land goes into training your military so you need either gold prodcing buildings(mines and banks) or cost reducing buildings(Training halls).

My build strat looks like this, and at the time of writing I am #2 in the world.
10% farms
20% training Halls
30% Guilds
20% towers
10% Houses
10% Mines

Finally there is acquiring land. You could comfortably explore for it, but the kingdom explore pool is limited, and I prefer to leave it to my kingdom-mates. The answer is the 'Create land' spell. It will bring you between 1 and 9 acres per cast. With all the runes you are producing and stealing, you can easily cast all your mana away with this spell(Saving your last cast for protection). This way you can grow 50-100 acres safely and unchallenged per day. Good Luck.

1 comment:

firstonlinedollar said...

This strategy works. It took me to number 8 inside a week. With a new round starting, and everyone being set back to 250 acres, I expect to be top 3 in the new round. I wonder how many others will be using the same strategy?